Photos from the Creation “Museum”

Security at the museum approached me midway through our tour and told me that any photos of children that I posted to the Internet could be considered a felony. Regardless of what I understand of the rights of photogs,  I strategically cropped or blurred all children out of the shots I’m posting only because I want to keep the peace after our visit on Friday. Although I’m not sure how I can crop out the screams of baby’s crying while their parents forced them through the horror-filled rooms at that place from my memory. That, too, is felonious.

Here are some shots from my wife and I. Enjoy.

4 thoughts on “Photos from the Creation “Museum”

  1. Haha this is too awesome. You didn’t take a pic of the saddled dinosaur? I always wanted to visit the Creation Museum, just for the sake of seeing what they actually have to say. (Not much, apparently.)

    At least, you must have had a lot of laughs, and that’s the important thing. 🙂

    1. My wife and I definitely had a blast. Going through that “museum” with 300 skeptics was hilarious. I’m looking forward to the next PZ Myers-inspired road trip.

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