It’s Wednesdog!

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We’re giving this Wednesdog to Colonel, a 7-month-0ld bull terrier who lives in our neighborhood.

Unfortunately, this isn’t the happiest of happy Wednesdogs of all time.

There’s a local story that’s getting press about a guy who was getting ticketed for parking violation outside of his own home. The owner of the home went out to talk to the police officer and was followed by his dog Colonel.

The way the story was originally told, Colonel was off leash, and for some reason the cop pulled his weapon, shot the dog and went back to writing the ticket almost immediately.

This story from the local FOX affiliate says,

“My little bull terrier followed me out,” Phillips explains. “Then, all I hear is boom! Boom! Two shots. You shot the dog!”

One eyewitness, Charlene Dezego, told FOX 32 News that she heard the officer warned Phillips about the dog being loose, but the officer never sounded like he was in danger.

“All of sudden I heard him say, ‘get your dog,’ and then the next statement was ‘get your dog,’ and then he just pulled out his gun and shot twice,” says Dezengo.

The story has raised many eyebrows, and our community CAPS meeting is coming up. I don’t plan on going, but I’m curious what the local precinct will say about the officer who shot the dog.

I’ve shared the story with Xina, whose husband is a police officer in North Carolina. They were disturbed by the story, and her husband assuredly would go out of his way to avoid such a incident.

I couldn’t imagine shooting anything, let alone a dog. And I’m quite sure I could defend myself against a 20 lb pup anyway.

So go hug your pup and follow what the law says.

Especially here in Chicago.