Eat what a salmon eats

In a study, scientists have found that eating what a salmon eats may be much better for you than eating salmon alone.

From this article: “The study, titled “Wild Fish Consumption Can Balance Nutrient Retention in Farmed Fish,” used data collected in Norway’s fish farms and examined why farmed salmon fillets lacked the same quantity of nutrients that wild salmon generally contain — averaging a loss in six out of nine nutrients, including calcium, iodine, iron, omega-3, vitamin B12, and vitamin A. Amounts of calcium, in particular, were found to be five times more plentiful in wild-feed fish fillets. Eating lower on the food chain, that is, consuming what salmon feast on, can help humans get these critical vitamins, minerals, and fatty acids directly from the source.”

Read the whole thing and check its sources.

The evolution of Mozart’s music (from 5 to 35 years old)

This is devastatingly beautiful comparison to enjoy. Devastating, because when you see what “genius” is in creativity and then compare it to your own achievements, it makes me nuts to compare my ability with that of someone at this level.

Seen at Kottke, who wrote, “Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart’s first surviving musical composition was created at age five and in this video visualization, you can hear and see how his music evolved from that early piece to those created in his 20s and 30s. Not knowing a whole lot about music or of Mozart in particular, I was shocked at how incredible his compositions were at ages five, six, and seven.”