In other news, Sam Harris started a blog

I noticed that at, ol’ Sammy started a blog. It’s damn time, but he needs to add a comments section. I can’t stand it when religious sites wipe out the comments sections on their blogs and sites.

To his defense, he’s had a very active discussion forum for as long as I’ve visited his site. Somehow, he needs to have that option combined. Discussion is an instrumental part to the social media phenomenon. You remove that and you’ve removed public opinion. Good or bad, it needs to be available.

So go over and check it out.

BTW: Keep your eyes out for a debate between him and William Lane Craig on April 7.

One thought on “In other news, Sam Harris started a blog

  1. If I were gay I would stalk Sam Harris. He is my everything.
    Unless I had access to some app that allowed me to deal with my confused sexual feelings…..Damn you Apple!

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