Gingrich quotes Jesus: “Poor kids should work as assistant janitors.”

When it’s said and done, the Republican party has trashed the image of Jesus in this country.

If what Newt says doesn’t make you sick to your stomach, consider yourself part of the problem.

Via Cynical C

6 thoughts on “Gingrich quotes Jesus: “Poor kids should work as assistant janitors.”

  1. Well in Newt’s defense he was advocating full-time janitorial positions last week. So that he’s moved to suggesting assistant and part-time positions this week can be viewed as a softening on his stance.

  2. The problem with democracy is that it allows 51% of the people to decide that the other 49% will do all the work. You sound like 51%-ers.

    Growth, both personal and social, is the result of hard work….not government. Business qrows the GDP and business creates jobs. All government knows how to do is slaughter the golden goose.

    1. Interesting lesson in econ, guy.

      Oddly enough, I’ve run my own small business for almost 10 years. I employ one. I contract out some work.

      It takes more than hard work.

      It takes a mentality that isn’t filled with conservative woo juice.

    2. >>Growth, both personal and social, is the result of hard work….not government.

      Granted. However, real-life examples show that businesses and corporations don’t care too much about societal stability and happiness, only accruing wealth, which you know I can agree, sure that’s their right, and that’s where government comes in, you know, to serve the people.

      What does this have to do with growth? Government is supposed to be there to make sure everyone can get a chance at growth and improve, not only those few that get lucky playing the economy or make a successful business. Not everyone can pull themselves up by their own bootstraps.

      >>Business [grows] the GDP and business creates jobs.

      Business creates jobs when it feels it would benefit business, not out of the kindness of its heart and for the benefit of society. Government has to look out for the welfare of everyone, in theory. All the lobbyists though tend to screw that up.

      >>All government knows how to do is slaughter the golden goose.

      Ironic, considering all the economic downfalls brought about by the greed of the private sector.

  3. Well since we’re making baseless accusations, you sound like a whiny libertarian pussy! See how much fun this game can be?

    But I digress, how nice of you to stay on topic and discuss the merits or lack thereof of advocating for the repeal of child labor laws.

    Please, do tell us how well the private sector was at policing itself before the ’08 crash. Convince us that investment bankers were not in fact betting against the very system they were propping up.Tell us how much de-regulation works and how it is totally cool to have economic giants so large that when they crash (due to the total lack of government oversight) they bring down the rest of the country with them? Also, please tell us how this has nothing whatsoever to do with the current unemployment rates and stagnant economic growth?

    Then when you’ve enlightened us 51%’ers about all of this, watch the fucking video and tell us how it’s totally cool that it’s gotten to the point in this country where politicians are advocating a repeal of child labor laws in order to improve the economical situation of many families in this “the best country on g0d’s green earth!”

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